The Dairy India, For finding any information today everybody looks online. To  provide you every information on Dairy  Industry we have brought To become online visible post your details yourself on website or send your details on If you want to be an online seller then opt for a paid listingon this website it will cost you just Rs.3600 for one year and you also get a copy of Dairy Business Directory costing Rs.6500 at Rs.3600. Dairy Business Directory will be availble to you when it is released (After 6 Months)

+91 9891750356

Details Of
ABC Process Solutions Pvt Ltd

About us

Providing innovative and sustainable solutions for food and non-food processing industries:- ABC Process Solutions was established in 2011. From the beginning our focus has been customer-centric, helping them do their business efficiently and profitably. As a result, ABC Process has quickly established itself as a trusted manufacturer and supplier of a variety of dairy equipment, including custom designed processing systems, stand-alone equipment and provides project consultancy services. The company has set up state of the art, automated processing equipment and system for milk installations covering milk reception, milk processing, curd, buttermilk, ice-creams (including packing).

Online Dairy Directory (Dairy Business Directory)

9891750356, 9891750356


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